Monday, February 10, 2014

North Central Massachusetts Baby Photography || Sebastian

Winter won't stop me, I have determined. There have been moments when I felt like I could not photograph in certain circumstances, but later was rudely awakened to the idea that I cannot limit myself, EVER. As long as there is light, I can work. This cold winter is not an exception. I am on a roll this year.

Even in February I was able to capture some moments.  Last weekend I had the opportunity to photography a little guy. I am not the girl that coos over little babies and runs quickly to pick one up. Not that I don't enjoy these little bundles, I just don't have the same drive as some to swoon. There have been little moments in time when I am struck hard by feelings when experiencing little ones, though. The first time I ever had a baby fall asleep in my arms after they had been fussing, I was caught. Other times I can't get over how small these little people are when I hold them up. 

This time was one of those times. This little guy would look me right in the eye when I would talk to him and would react with little smiles. My mother instincts were talking pretty loudly. One day, one day. Haha.

Hope you enjoy! 

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