Tuesday, October 15, 2013

North Central Masssachusetts Christian Bands || Every Eye

For the last few months our basement has been filled with music. I give up time to spend with Chris, for him to meet with others who love to praise God. The band name is Every Eye, based on the Bible text Revelation 1:7 and they mostly perform praise and worship songs. 

So that I can help out with their ministry I follow along for their performances and capture what they do. They have been to churches, parks, and well... theaters. Once a month young people get together on the second Saturday (Sabbath) in the Strand Theatre in Clinton, MA to worship God in a different and positive way. This event is called Remix and was started by Gilberto Caraballo, a member of the Village SDA Church in South Lancaster. Together we are able to provide others an opportunity to discover God and see His love.

Here are some photos I took at the last Remix this month. The lighting was dim and PINK (for breast cancer awareness month) so ya, I good time getting these. Enjoy!

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