Thursday, November 6, 2014

North Central Massachusetts Family Photographer || Lizbeth & Abby

It is a dreary day here around Philly so I figured it was a good day to post a blog with beautiful faces and bright colors. Lizbeth and Abby are a mother-daughter duo that you can tell are closer than glue. Lizbeth's sister is my sister-in-law so we are practically family. I wanted to be able to get some pictures for them before moving so this is the morning of moving day!  It was chilly but you can't tell by all the fiery leaves. ;)

When I took this picture, I finally realized that Abby had light eyes. I was a blundering fool and said it out loud. Haha.

Hey, what is a mother-daughter session without a little interaction? Keeping it real.

My FAVORITE. I have another that is horizontal.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

North Central Massachusetts Family Photographer | Currie Family

Others can talk all they want about how their autumn on their side of the country is just that awesome. What they cannot do is experience the way the maples will surprise us each year with those deep reds or just orange the next. A tree may stand strong with vibrance down south, but in New England there are forests and dense gatherings of them on the side of a winding road in back country. The hills allow us to see the great expanse and smell the crisp air and breathe deep the foliage. 

Oh, man I am going to miss it there! I am only reminiscing because I am no longer in the upper six states. This post is really about an awesome family of three. Besides the brightness of the leaves, their happiness is evident. Each time that I get to photograph, again, a growing family I get to know them a little better. Naturally interacting with each other while I shoot away is what I enjoy most. Children will distract you that way. ;)

Connecting is something that is special just for us humans. We can use it harmfully or for the best. I love capturing these gems in time. We all need to be reminded of what it means to live. I hope that I have done my job. Thank you Dave and Kari for an enjoyable time! Oh and for that extra apple cider donut. As fresh, it's a taste of heaven.

Monday, September 8, 2014

North Central Massachusetts Event Photographer || Julie's 5th Birthday Party

This birthday party was a milestone for me. The first time I took pictures for this family it was their son's birthday a few years back,  and it was my first time EVER photographing an event alone and on my own time. I look back and I see where I have come. I know that there is always room to grow but I remember my nerves the first time and my confidence this time. God has really blessed me with so many opportunities. There are even some that I could not even do! 

The Lallo's are a wonderful family and as you can see they go all out for birthday parties. Lots of Brazilian treats and plenty of Minnie decor for Julie. Despite the heat everyone was having a good time and I got my exercises keeping up with these kids! Awesome time. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

North Central Massachusetts Lifestyle Photographer | Personal @ Camp Winnekeag Part 2

So I thought there were more pictures... haha. There are plenty but sometimes my eyes capture more photos than what I actually snap with my camera. Looking back at these pictures a few weeks later I see where I could have taken more and also I see how I have progressed over time. When I last was at camp taking pictures I thought my photos were AMAZING. Now I look at my work and see that I have come a long way and now am capturing what I envision. I see documentation and environment. I sense the feeling and wonder. It all should make any person want to go to camp now. :)

I know that the last couple of days of camp I wasn't feel so well so I didn't get to capture everything, but what I have I will treasure and hope that others will treasure them as well. The funny thing about taking pictures is that you can't waste time, you can't procrastinate, and you can't say I will get to that. It is now or never! I procrastinate and regret my time. Sometimes a pleasure can be a tool (or a pain for some), so I am glad that I have something to measure my accountability. 

You all should go to camp. That is all.